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Receiving an Inheritance

An inheritance can make a meaningful difference in your financial situation, yet you might be unsure about the next steps you should take. Our experts can walk you through your options.

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We can provide you with options to effectively invest the inheritance you’ve received, guide you through inheritance tax implications and help you feel comfortable with the path you take.

If you have received an inheritance – or you’re expecting to receive one soon – it’s a good idea to ask yourself some key questions in order to determine how the money you inherit should be used.  Consider the following:

  • Is there debt – such as your mortgage – that you can pay down?
  • Are there goals you’ve put on hold that you can now achieve?
  • How much can you set aside to invest?
  • Can you achieve legacy objectives?
  • Are there causes or charities you want to contribute to?


It’s important to sit down with a wealth professional to review your complete financial picture and determine how your inheritance will fit into your overall wealth plan.

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